
Thank you for taking interest in the Ma-Ka-Ja-Wan Alumni Association. Membership is open to all who have a connection to the Ma-Ka-Ja-Wan be it as a Camper, Scouter, Parent, Staff, Friend, or otherwise. You must be at least 18 years old to join the Association. Please direct any questions to

1. Complete and Submit the Membership Application. Choose ONE of the options below:
– Complete the online form. Click Here to continue.
– Download (form), Print, and Mail the Completed Application
– Download (form), Complete, Save, and E-mail to

2. Pay your dues. Dues are $20 per calendar year and are not prorated. Memberships paid after September 30th will receive credit through the next calendar year. Choose one of the following options.
– By Mail: Make Check Payable to “Northeast Illinois Council BSA.” Write “MAA Membership” on the Memo line and mail to: Ma-Ka-Ja-Wan Alumni Association, 2745 Skokie Valley Road, Highland Park, IL 60035.
– By Credit Card Online: click here.

3. Once your application is received and dues are paid you will receive your membership materials and be an official member of the Ma-Ka-Ja-Wan Alumni Association! Thank you for your support in making a direct contribution to Ma-Ka-Ja-Wan!

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